About Us

Global Experts Abroad Education is a premier esteemed and highly professional  organisation engaged in career counseling and providing authentic guidance to students seeking higher education overseas.

The organisation is recognised by various overseas educational institutions and a large number of students who have been successfully placed in different institutions at Universities all over the globe.

Overseas educational consultants take care of all application aches. We ensure that you are applying to the educational institution that best fits your profile and that your application is complete. Our personalized services includes student VISA COUNSELING too.


Global Experts Abroad Education counsellors can guide you and your parents through the entire process of arranging your studies abroad from selecting a course, an institution and ensuring that you arrive safely at your chosen destination.

Global Experts is your one stop solution for all your abroad education needs

At Global Experts we believe in complete student satisfaction.

To get your career on the roll, call on our office to schedule a free counseling session with our counselors.

click here to Free Counselling